Volunteering at Wallingford Public Library
The commitment, generosity, and passion of volunteers ensure continued library success. Our volunteers help prepare and run our Book Seller, put CDs and DVDs away, maintain the Collaboratory, help keep our shelves in good order, assist with programs, create content for our TikTok Page, serve on the Library’s Board of Managers, and teach valuable skills to others. We are grateful for our volunteers and take great pleasure in honoring them at an annual recognition event in May.
Our program utilizes three types of volunteers: Adult Volunteers, Student Volunteers, and “Volunteer for the Day.”
For more information about volunteering:
Contact Janelle Rosales, Volunteer Coordinator, at jrosales@wallingfordlibrary.org or (203) 284-6458.

Adult Volunteers
Please apply as an adult volunteer if you are above Grade 12 and would like to volunteer on an ongoing basis. Volunteers are selected on a ‘first come, first served basis’ according to the needs of the Library and the applicant’s availability and qualifications.

Student Volunteers
Please apply as a Student volunteer if you are in Grade 9 - Grade 12 and would like to volunteer on an ongoing basis. Volunteers are selected on a ‘first come, first served basis’ according to the needs of the Library and the applicant’s availability and qualifications.
To learn more about other Teen Services, click here.

Volunteer for the Day
If you are a student in Grade 9 - Grade 12 looking to complete service hours quickly, “Volunteer for the Day” is meant for you. Students may complete specific tasks to gain the corresponding amount of service hours.
In order to receive the service hours, the form must be completed fully and the Library must receive a copy of the form as well.
Library Volunteer Tools
Current and approved Student Volunteers may use the following link to sign up for volunteer events and tasks: Timecounts - Volunteer Database Management & Tracking Software
Volunteers may receive notifications and reminders from the following line: (203) 684-2873
Volunteer for the Day Special Projects
COMMU-KNIT-Y SERVICE HOURS: Knit or crochet a hat, scarf, gloves or mittens for someone in need and receive service hours for the time spent creating the item. Wallingford Public Library can provide yarn to those who wish to participate.
TEEN ART DISPLAY: Create a piece of art (any medium) to be displayed on the bookends in the Teen YA section. We would appreciate art that is inspired by something in our catalog (book, anime, manga, video games, etc.) but that is not required! If you are looking for an example, take a peek at the art that is currently displayed in the Teen YA Section.
Please fill out the appropriate application and submit at the Information Desk or through email to jrosales@wallingfordlibrary.org. Please be sure that applications are filled out completely before turning in. Submission confirmation will be provided through email within 72 hours.
Unfortunately, the Library is unable to provide court mandated service hours due to limited resources.
Those looking to complete court mandated service hours can reach out to Masters Manna: (203) 678-3042, office@mastersmanna.org
Janelle Rosales, the Library's Volunteer Coordinator, can answer any questions concerning volunteering at Wallingford Public Library.
Office: (203) 284-6458
Email: Jrosales@wallingfordlibrary.org