Truth Be Told Nonfiction Book Club

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Couldn’t Keep It to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters by Wally Lamb and the Women of York Correctional Institution

Join us to discuss a powerful book about the experiences of women in the state prison system. In this nonfiction anthology, Wally Lamb, an acclaimed Connecticut novelist, teaches writing to incarcerated women. As the women discover their voices, they describe how they were imprisoned by abuse, rejection, poverty, and self-destructive impulses long before they entered the criminal justice system. Their unforgettable stories reveal hope, humor, healing over victimhood, and triumph over despair. 

This discussion will be moderated by Educator Susan Gomes. She will be joined by two guest moderators: Robin Cullen, who contributed her story to Couldn’t Keep It To Myself, and Robin Ledbetter, who contributed to its sequel I'll Fly Away (2007). To participate and for details about meeting virtually or in-person, contact Cindy Haiken at


Robin Cullen:

For more than twenty years, Robin has been facilitating Trauma, Recovery, and Reentry focused writing and support groups for men and women inside and outside of prison. Robin’s essay was published in Couldn’t Keep It To Myself (2003), written by The Women at York Correctional Institution, edited by Wally Lamb. Ms. Cullen received statewide recognition in 2020, as an inductee into the Connecticut Hall of Change, for decades of Trauma, Recovery, and Reentry work. 

Robin Ledbetter: 

Robin Ledbetter was incarcerated at the age of 14 and spent 25 years behind bars before being released at 39. Determined to turn her life around, she became a mentor, author, and reentry case manager, using her experiences to guide and support others navigating the challenges of life after incarceration. Through her work, she advocates for second chances, rehabilitation, and justice reform, inspiring others with her resilience and dedication to change.