If you earned less than $67,000 in 2024, you may be eligible for free tax preparation services including e-file and direct deposit!
Silly Story Time
Birth - Age 5 | Registration encouraged
Saturdays are for being silly! In this family story time we will sing goofy songs and read funny books.
Supporting Incarcerated Youth: A RACCE Community Letter Writing Session
Join Racial Advocates for Cross-Cultural Education (RACCE) for a letter-writing session at the Wallingford Public Library.
Get started designing your own laser cutter projects using CorelDRAW software. Participants will make a basic wood project. Prior computer experience is recommended.
Special Accommodations
If you have a disability and may require special accommodations in order to fully participate in this program, please contact us at (203)265-6754. Advance notice is required to arrange for some accessibility needs.