Ages 2-4 | Registration Required
This class will go over how to use Silhouette Studio, the software used to create custom designs for the Silhouette vinyl cutting machines.
Special Accommodations
If you have a disability and may require special accommodations in order to fully participate in this program, please contact us at (203)265-6754. Advance notice is required to arrange for some accessibility needs.
Bilingual Homework Help with Mrs. Cabrera
Have questions about your homework? The Wallingford Public Library offers FREE drop in Homework Help!
Join us for our first-ever sustainable wrapping party! You are invited to drop by the Community Room with your holiday gifts in tow and enjoy snacks and music while wrapping presents in the company of your fellow crafters.
Cookies & Coloring
Grades 3-5 | Registration Required
Join us for a cozy coloring session! We will have cookies, calm music, and a variety of cozy and cute coloring books to choose from!
French Discussion Group
Improve your French in a friendly and non-judgmental space! Some knowledge of French recommended.
Knit @ WPL is a place where knitters and crocheters can practice their work in the company of others. Newcomers are welcome to join, but knitting experience is required.
No registration required.