If you earned less than $60,000 in 2022, you may be eligible for free tax preparation services including e-file and direct deposit!
Christmas Closing
The library will be closed on Tuesday, December 24th and Wednesday, December 25th in observance of Christmas.
Saturday Mornings with Poetry
A meeting of people who love reading and writing poetry. SMwP provides poetic opportunities for anyone to share their poetry, discuss the literary works of poets known and unknown, and expand skills in writing and editing poems in the shared camaraderie of comfortable, supportive members.
No registration required. To participate and for details about meeting virtually or in-person, contact Karen Ciosek at kjc73048@gmail.com.
Grades K-5 | Registration encouraged for a reminder email
Grades K-5 | Registration encouraged foro a reminder email
Wallingford Writers Community
Join the Wallingford Writers Community and discover how the fellowship of other writers can help you pursue your writing goals! All meetings include dedicated writing time, craft techniques for fiction and literary nonfiction, and the opportunity to share work in a supportive, creative forum.
No registration required. To participate and for details about meeting virtually or in-person, contact Leah Farrell at lfarrell@wallingfordlibrary.org.