Study Room Expansion

If you’ve been in the library recently you may have noticed books being moved around. We are currently preparing for a small library renovation. During the construction period, Study Room 3 will not be available. However, we are aware of the high demand for our Study Rooms–so we are adding more! Once the project is complete the library will have a total of five Study Rooms, four of which will seat up to four people and one large Study Room which will fit six to eight people. This project will also create a small work area for our Collaboratory staff, so they can work and collaborate even more effectively! 

The construction project will take place between January and April 2025. We anticipate the library may be noisy on some days, so you can pick up a pair of earplugs at the Information Desk if you need quiet. Most of the activity will be occurring between the color copier and the historical collection. Aside from the temporary unavailability of Study Room 3 we don't expect any other disruptions to programming or services. Our librarians are also ready to help if you are having trouble finding anything.

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