Information for Wallingford Educators

Interior shot of the library showing a girl looking through the children's books

Wallingford Teacher Cards

Grade K-12 teachers in any Wallingford public or private school are eligible to receive Wallingford Public Library Teacher Cards. A library teacher card gives you access to our physical materials and our online resources and is valid for use at WPL only.

The library does not charge fines for overdue Wallingford Library materials; however, full replacement cost for lost, missing or damaged items or fines for materials from other libraries will apply. Teacher cards may be used to check out educational materials to support a unit of study; items intended for personal use must be checked out on the teacher’s personal library card issued from their hometown.

Teacher cards expire on June 30th of the current school year. Please bring a photo ID and staff ID to the check out desk.

Teacher Book Requests

Do you need books for a unit or project you’re doing in the classroom? Wallingford Public School teachers are encouraged to fill out a Teacher Book Request Form. Our Children’s Librarians will do their best to fill your request within 48 hours.

Teacher Book Request Form

The Wallingford Public Library would love to assist you in gathering books for instruction in your classroom. Please allow at least 48 hours for us to gather materials. The earlier, the better - especially if you need duplicate copies of the same title.